I'm dedicated to supporting your healing journey in life, death and grief, carrying the thread of all the teachers, healers, guides and death workers who have come before me. Ireland born and rooted, South East Asia sprouted and California blossomed, I come with a rich tapestry of wisdom to share, from ancestors, lands and teachers.
To live authentically, as our highest selves takes work and an effort to turn towards the hard stuff. I'm here to guide you. This has been my own life's work and so I know the courage required. But we all deserve to live a life of joy, free from shame and trauma, and to take that final exhale, when the time comes, in comfort and peace without regret or fear.
Through this work I'm also motivated to address the silence, fear and stigma around illness and death in our society. We've lost connection to the natural ways of caring for each other and being with death and grief. It's time to return home to our innate wisdom and teachers of the earth and ancestors.