Events & Talks

Local & Online

Monthly Death Cafe

Location: Tiburon, Marin County, California

An in-person monthly community event, the first Thursday of every month. Intimate conversations about death, dying, grief and all the hard things over tea and cookies. Each table is facilitated by an end of life doula, a hospice nurse or volunteer. All welcome, no fixed agenda, come and share what's on your heart and mind and enjoy meeting, sharing with and learning from your neighbors.

Event Options

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Death & Dinner


Do you crave real, meaningful and powerful conversations about death and dying? A death and dinner event can provide just that! The intimacy of the dinner table allows for an opening up at a different level. Host an event in your own home or in your local community and encourage deep exploration with friends, neighbors or colleagues around these important topics. Ritual, meditation, reflection and conversation guidance all included.

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Living Well, Dying Well

Death is the ultimate reminder that we are not in control, hence a topic that is often turned away from. Yet turning towards it can serve as an awakening to the fragility and what's really important in life.
Living Well, Dying well is an in-person or online presentation and conversation where Anthea shares her experiences as a death doula, and offers considerations, from the physical to the spiritual, to help prepare for death and live life fully now.

Previous Talks

Living Well, Dying Well: UCSF Neurosurgery, 2023

Living Well, Dying Well: Sunday Assembly Silicon Valley, 2023

"Let's normalize and turn gently towards the hard things that we all face as humans.
This is where the healing lies."